Monday, 20 January 2014

Dear blog-visitors,

Unfortunately my camera broke down again.
This time it is the plastic cover from the lighter that has felt off while photocycling.
Due to that I get electroshocks everytime when touching the camera.
So I will have to let it repaired again.
That might take a few weeks, I'm afraid.
So no photos.
I'm really sorry, hope you will understand.

Best regards,

The Cycling Photographer


Dear visitor,

Welcome to my blog!

my name is Jiska I am a: visual artist, writer, photographer.

And cyclist.

Every day while cycling, I come across many different people.

They are on the way or coming from somewhere.

Somewhere on the route of their daily life I meet them, and capture them, mostly unnoticed ..

I find it intriguing to photograph people from behind because then they are fairly anonymous. Still, however, you can see, through little things, what kind of people they are.

Where are they going to? Where to they come from? How do they feel? Are they happy, or do they have a harsh life? What kind of person is he or she?

That tension between anonymous and non-anonymous, I find interesting, and that I try to investigate.

Where does anonymity start and where does it end?

I hope you will enjoy my blog!

You can find more information about me and my work on